How To Be Single On Valentine's Day!


Happy Valentine's Day lovelies!!! For some crazy reason I am excited about today. It's not like I have a big, fancy, romantic date planned or anything, but seeing everyone in love warms my heart. Now if you're single like me, don't worry our time will come. Patience is key, but in the meantime you can still enjoy today to it's fullest.  

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I like to call this Yvette's Guide To A Single Girl's Valentine's Day. 

1:  Call all your single friends! At least one of your friends is going to be at home like you, so call them up and have some much needed girl talk. 

2. Treat yourself! I don't know about you but I love treating myself. Any chance I get to buy something for myself I'm doing it. Why not go shopping and buy yourself that nice ring you've been looking at or that super cute purse you've been eyeballing for the past few weeks. 

3. Get a massage! The reality is, Valentine's Day landed on a big Tuesday, so you technically haven't fully recovered from the weekend. Schedule yourself that nice, warm massage after work and finish off the rest of the week relaxed.  

4. Pamper yourself! Get your hair done, nails done, everything did. Go all out! Today is also single awareness day, so be ready when you're out and about today. You might meet your future boo!   

5. Bake cookies! It sounds cheesy but that's what me and my roommate are doing. We invited some of our girlfriends over and we're going to have a cookie decorating night. Lol 

6. Get dressed up and go out! Any reason to dress in the Holiday theme I am for it. It's the day of love, so put on your favorite pink or red ensemble and hit the town. Hopefully if you meet someone that means they don't have a Valentine either. Sounds like the perfect night to go out if you ask me.

7. Taco Tuesday, Duh! If you think all of these things are wack and you don't want to celebrate Valentine's day at all, there is always Taco Night. Treat today like a regular day. What would you normally do on a Tuesday night?  

8. Netflix + Chill, with wine! Girl pour you a glass of wine and watch your favorite movie on Netflix. Even better, binge watch a new show. Right now I am getting caught up with Being Mary Jane. The perfect show to watch and sip your wine.

9. Buy a friend some flowers! Your friend might be super down about today and one nice gesture can turn their day around. Today is about showing love to anybody you love, friends included. However, If you don't want to spend money on one of your friends, send yourself some flowers. haha. As long as someone is happy! 

10. Make sure you have a good day! Instead of being bitter and complaining all day, have fun today! I like to use this day as a self-love day. Write down some affirmations and make sure you love yourself 100%. Love finds you when you are happy within. So if being in love is a goal, work on loving yourself first and the right person will find you. 

I hope everyone has a Happy Valentine's Day, if you're single or not! Take these little tips and have fun today! 


Yvette Corinne

Pink crush velvet dress