From Good To A Better Night's Sleep | ThisWorks!

Hey Hey!

I hope everyone is having a happy holiday season so far. I know this time of year can be crazy and super busy, but the gift of sleep is perfect for yourself and your loved ones. I recently upgraded my sleep routine with the Deep Sleep Pillow Spray from This Works, available at ULTA Beauty. Read on to hear how I set myself up for a good night’s sleep.

My nighttime routine is pretty simple. I take off my makeup, do my quick skincare routine and put on a nice moisturizing overnight mask. Sometimes I add a mask to my lips to make sure they’re also getting the moisture they deserve. Now that the holiday season is in full swing, I’ve been extremely exhausted and needed something extra to help me get some true rest. I added one extra step to my nighttime routine that I’m NEVER taking out. I now also spray my pillow and sheets with the Deep Sleep Pillow Spray to be sure that I get a restful sleep. Sometimes I switch it up and spray my pillow with the Sleep Plus Pillow Spray. This Sleep Plus Pillow Spray is formulated to help you stay asleep, while the Deep Sleep Pillow Spray helps you fall asleep. The spray I use that night all depends on how I have been sleeping recently.

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What Is The Deep Sleep Pillow Spray?

The Deep Sleep Pillow Spray is designed to help you fall asleep faster and feel more refreshed in the morning. It has natural, aromatherapeutic superblend of lavender, chamomile and vetivert to calm both your body and mind while you sleep. Our beautiful skin starts with how peaceful our sleep is, as it is a period of repair. Ever since I started incorporating this pillow spray along with the Sleep Plus Pillow Spray into my nighttime routine routine, I noticed some improvements in my skin. I was starting to get bags under my eyes and my skin was starting to feel flushed. I’ve been doing  a lot this season and I’m more busy than usual, but that doesn’t mean I have to sacrifice a good night’s sleep. It seems like something so simple, but the aroma has definitely helped calm my mind and thoughts before going to sleep! This pillow spray is the perfect gift for your loved one or yourself! You can find This Works sleep solutions at ULTA Beauty, online or in-store!

This post is sponsored by This Works, all opinions are my own.

ThisWorks! DeepSleepPillowSpray