Styling Leather Hiking Boots 5 Ways With Cougar Shoes

Hey hey!

It’s boot season! Literally my favorite time of the year, because I am obsessed with any style boots. They just look so good and can make your outfit pop! Boots will forever be on trend. Right now the chunky boot look is really trendy. I partnered with Cougar Shoes to show you guys how I would style my hiking boots to make them look fashionable for everyday wear.

cougar shoes

I’m a very simple dresser, so this was easy to do. When your outfits are simple, then the shoe speaks for itself. What I like about these shoes is the fact that they are not my tradition go-to boot. These are the Swerve Leather Hiking Boots, that are waterproof and temperature rated. So perfect for the weather right now! Besides just hiking you can style these shoes with your everyday outfits. Below are 5 ways I Styled my Cougar Swerve Leather Hiking Boots!

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leather hiking boots
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This look was fun because I found these over-the-knee socks that made the boots super cute without denim.

cougar hiking boots
cougar boots
hiking boots

How would you have worn these leather hiking boots? Let me know your favorite look in the comments below!


Yvette Corinne