Favorite WhoWhatWear Picks (September Collection)

Hey hey!

I can not believe it's September already. That is sooo crazy to me! All this talk about New York Fashion week reminds me that the best season for fashion is coming, for all my fashion lovers out there. But seriously, I can not believe this year flew by the way it did. Wow! So much has been happening. I feel busier than ever, but more blessed than ever! Excited to see what the rest of this year has to offer. Are you excited about the end of the year? Or you just ready for it to be over with?

Now on to why you’re really here.

If you don’t know, I’ve been loving Target’s WhoWhatWear Collection pieces since the end of time. Their clothes are always sooo cute and affordable. If you’re looking for trendy pieces, office wear, everyday wear for a good price…..Target WhoWhatWear Collection is where it’s at. All these pieces I’m going to share with you guys are from their September collection that already launched and available online and in stores. It’s super chic and you can do so much with all of these pieces. This first outfit below is one of my favorites. The top can be worn with denim or black slacks. The skirt can be worn with a black solid shirt or with a crop top and sneakers. That’s how I would mix and match that set. Let me know in the comments what’s your favorite look!

Photos by: @labs.photo